
We know the best plans always start by listening to you & your employees – on the floor, in the office and through the data that validates both challenges and opportunities.

As a result, New Life For Work offers a comprehensive range of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) service levels.

Solveglobal® Comfort Survey - Risk Identification and Early Detection directs resources to departments and individuals at greatest risk for MSK problems. The survey is taken monthly by individual employees and is confidential. Early identification of employees at risk allows the NLFW provider to address concerns prior to becoming a significant injury.
Employees with concerns are thoroughly screened to determine if their concern is medical (requiring referral and/or treatment) or functional (appropriate for OSHA first aid). When a referral is necessary, we will work with the employee’s current primary care provider and/or help them find a specialist. When the condition is functional, we work with the employee to be more comfortable, and/or improve physical performance at home and work.
Virtual sessions
Requires only a mobile device or computer with a web cam. The Solveglobal® “Solve Online Session” (SOS) has integrated testing and movement prescription software for an efficient, yet thorough session-experience.

On-Site sessions
Our providers can be scheduled as needed or on a recurring basis. Having a provider on-site allows the provider to become familiar with the work environment and builds trust with the employees.

Near-Site sessions
Involve one of clinic-partners in your area. Our sister company, New Life Physical Therapy, has clinics in Portage, Baraboo, Reedsburg, and Westfield. In addition to NLPT, we have collaborating clinics in all regions of WI, as well as southern WA.
Evaluate work environment for stressors related to:
  • Posture and Positions
  • Movement Patterns and Repetition
  • Force and Torque
  • ESA results influence customization of the Unlock, Unwind, and Unload strategies.
Unlock the body through movements designed to prepare the employee for their work tasks.
Unwind the body with movement micro-breaks to mitigate sustained positions and high frequency movement patterns.
Unload stressed body regions and systems by learning effective recovery strategies.
  • Program development requires observation of common work tasks.
  • Group and individual instruction options.
Employee screening assessments and trainings to move efficiently and safely in all three planes of motion around priority movement patterns: Push, Pull, Reach, Hinge, Squat, Lunge, & Carry

  • Group instruction in Three-Dimensional Movement Stability for the 7 priority movement patterns.
  • Individual screening and instruction to help ensure that your employee’s work-capacity is sustainable from hire to retire.
Contact us today to learn more about how a customized
plan can impact your business.